Thomas Cochrane’s SECOND book…!
A couple pre-publication reviews:
“Most books about the oil patch usually fall into one of two categories. The first are tributes to the “greatest gamblers.” The others are tomes about the earth sciences. Rarely do we get a full-bodied peek into real life in the oil patch. Fortunately for us, Thomas E. Cochrane has accomplished the latter: a fast-paced and lyrical stroll through several decades of searching for oil and gas, punctuated with stories about the greatest gamblers and insights into petroleum geology written in a way that is accessible to the general reader.
The honesty and earthiness of the prose come as bonuses. I want to thank Mr. Cochrane for this latest contribution to the literature on the oil patch.”
“I enjoyed reading Cochrane’s geologic guide and appreciated the chance to review the new Rattlesnakes volume as the era of the wildcatter may be mostly done but certainly has had a lot of impact on the industry and indeed in the history of large parts of the country. He does a good job of explaining the basics of geology and how they apply to finding oil and gas. Even better, his accounts of his many misses as well as a few hits portrays a very realistic picture of the challenges of finding oil and gas. The author gives good descriptions of how oil and gas wells are drilled, how much work it takes just to set up a project, and all of the things that can and do go wrong.
His descriptions of his co-workers and how they put together deals is something that very few people in the modern oil and gas companies have much or any experience with. He gives apparently frank accounts of how many projects didn’t work out as well as a few that did, so I give him lots of credit for not exaggerating his successes and being honest about how hard it was to make a living doing what he did. I enjoyed reading the author’s experiences in the Oklahoma oil patch. ”

“Critique: Exceptionally well written, exceptionally candid, impressively informative, and a simply riveting read from cover to cover, “Tornados, Rattlesnakes & Oil: A Wildcatter’s Memories of Hunting for Black Gold” is unreservedly recommended for community, college, and university library Contemporary American Biography collections.“
READ their full review…(link will open in new window)
“Black Gold”…OIL…the magic bullet of liquid petroleum not only propels all manner of people-movers globally, it’s also a component of more than 6,000 products—everything from motorcycle helmets, to vitamin capsules, to ink. But who DISCOVERS these critical—and elusive—fossil fuels of oil & gas?
MEET A WILDCATTER whose back-in-the-day journey from the hills of New York, to the ice fields of Alaska, to the plains of the Midwest brings the reader along on this complex quest to SEE underground. Here’s an insider’s look at the petroleum industry of the latter 20th century—and what geologist Thomas E. Cochrane experienced along the way. From Oklahoma, to Texas, to rubbing elbows with iconic oilman T. Boone Pickens, his personal tales of the oil fields provide a firsthand glimpse into the art as well as the science of exploring and drilling—all in the relentless pursuit of “hitting the big one,” every wildcatter’s dream.
From company man, to making indie deals and partnering on the fly while chasing the next hot prospect, Cochrane discloses the technical processes involved in detail…but also the thrill of the hunt—including what can sometimes go very wrong. From dry holes, to blowouts, to sketchy money men among a cast of other colorful oil patch characters, his story delivers a step-back-in-time look at a bygone era in an ever-evolving global industry…and he has a sage perspective to share on its future as well.
JUST published…!
This new title has national distribution and can be ordered from ANY bookstore in the U.S….

And LEARN about Thomas Cochrane’s first book, “Shaping the Sonoma-Mendocino Coast — Exploring the Coastal Geology of Northern California,” a regional bestseller:
Sold at 45+ retailers regionally OR